Industrial Electrician
An industrial electrician is a skilled individual who must possess fundamental and specialized knowledge and skills related to the installation and maintenance of electrical devices and components found in industrial settings. Industrial electricians inspect, install, troubleshoot, repair and service (includes calibration and preventive/predictive maintenance) electrical equipment such as motors, generators,... More >
The title "tilesetter" defines a person who, because of his or her knowledge, training, and abilities, is capable of covering, repairing, and decorating exterior and interior walls, floors, swimming pools, saunas, and other surfaces using ceramic, mosaics, marble and quarry tile, slate, stone or granite slabs, or terrazzo. Tilesetters read... More >
The term "glazier" defines a person having the knowledge, training, and abilities to prepare, install, replace, and service glass and related components and products in residential, commercial, and industrial applications. A glazier may perform these job duties on buildings and other structures and on vehicles, furniture, and other products. Glaziers... More >
Automotive Painter
Automotive painters work on the surfaces of motor vehicles, primarily in restoring vehicles to their original condition following damage and subsequent auto body repair. Generally, automotive painting begins when body work has been completed. Some of the duties that an automotive painter completes include: removing exterior trim and hardware; removing... More >
The Canadian Botanical Association
The Canadian Botanical Association serves as the national organization for botanists in Canada, including professional botanists at universities, colleges, schools, government and industry as well as students, technicians and amateurs. The association represents Canadian Botany and botanists in matters of local, national and international importance. The preservation of botanically significant... More >
Alberta Volunteer Centres
Banff Volunteer Centre 302 Buffalo Street, Box 5148 Banff AB, T1L 1G3 Telephone: 403.762.4466 Fax: 403.762.4463 info@volunteerbanff.ab.ca www.volunteerbanff.ab.ca Volunteer Calgary Suite 1170, Kahanoff Centre 1202 Centre St SE Calgary, AB T2G 5A5 Telephone: 403.265.5633 Fax: 403.265.8981 info@volunteercalgary.ab.ca www.volunteercalgary.ab.ca Volunteer Centre of Camrose and District 3, 4516 รข?? 54 Street Camrose,... More >
Grant for Part-Time Studies
Under this grant, part-time students may be eligible for up to $1,200 per academic year. Delivered by: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) You are eligible if you: 1. Apply and qualify for a Canada Student Loan 2. Are enrolled part-time in a program lasting at least 12 weeks... More >
This occupational analysis identifies tasks performed by qualified welders across Canada. A welder is a tradesperson who uses a wide variety of occupational knowledge, skills and abilities in combination with cutting, gouging and welding processes to tack and weld assemblies and fabrications within a quality control system. The welder must... More >